Monday 21 March 2016

Don't misuse your passion

Channelling hatred is a waste of passion.

I was recently reading the comments section on Youtube underneath a documentary about the abuse of Aboriginal rights in Australia. Many of the comments were shockingly (I know this madness exists but it’s still shocking every time) racist towards the Aboriginals in saying that they were useless and they should have all their lands taken away. Then there was a comment by an Irish descendent saying that he hates all English people with a burning passion.
Then I just thought what a waste of all this burning passion! Where does this abusive and negative thinking get anyone? It got the Aboriginals marginalised and abused when the whites thought like that. Now it gets the whites defensive and closed-minded and xenophobic. It’s all pointless ‘passion’. Useful and active passion would be to look ahead and think positively about a globally stable future (socially and environmentally.)

I realise that as a member of a historically demonic nation, out generation will be held accountable and hated by many people that our ancestors wronged through Colonisation. However I think the only way to achieve headway in returning human rights (power, living standards, emotional and physical health, environmental stability etc) to the nations and communities disrupted by Colonialism and it’s legacy, the global population needs to try to exist symbiotically and not in a swamp of hatred for entire races based on either history or on a few bad eggs.

I know that a lot of people whose ancestors were enslaved or displaced or abused will not feel this is possible, but to prejudge all modern white people, or all modern English people is like fighting fire with fire. In regards to emotional expression/closure fighting fire with fire would probably be incredibly therapeutic and certainly the brutal ones among the Colonists deserved it, but to carry on like that now would antagonise the situation by supporting sustained hatred of other races.

Unfortunately the fact remains that the powers that be in many powerful countries are white/Colonist groups and they often (because this is just the upsetting nature of how political appointment works) are not empathetic by nature to all demographics, which means all of us, ALL of us, need to act pro-actively in a positive mindset, leading by example and demonstrating how all demographics, ethnicities, communities (LGBTQ, disabled etc – this isn’t soley about race) can live and work to equal personal independence, community benefit and national stability. Preaching hate is not socially constructive even though our emotions may not agree with this! So please do not eliminate any demographic in their ability or instinct to be empathetic, helpful or kind, be they coloured people, white people, women, men, children, teenagers, OAPs, mentally unwell people, physically disabled, rich people, poor people, comfortable in between-y people, convicted criminals, soft push-overs or anyone else. Even animals. Every living person is born innocent despite what their parents my have done. So keep that as a metaphor in mind and don’t preach hate and be pro-active and be positive.

Here is that youtube video: 
The comments from CJailBreak and Brian Dawkins are atrocious.

And I won't include any of my recent studio work cos it doesn't really fit exactly with what I've just written, but here are some scans and photos of textures i'm using at the moment.

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