Sunday 12 October 2014

Sunday lovers

Fancied a bit of people painting today; sweet 70s lovers in a dark garden. People should kiss like this more with arms right round each other. And I should wear my hair like her.

And some token Home and Away stuff. I've been interested in tattoos and talismanic jewellery for a while, and had planned to make some jewellery that could act as a sort of temporary tattoo for when you need strength in certain areas/tasks. A very simple idea but i think comforting.
Anyway - all the girls I draw in my Swagland drawings and prints bear the tattoo I have on my right knee - which is actually the same tattoo Patti Smith has, and is based on Crazy Horse; he would paint lightning bolts on his ponies' ears to remind him to always keep moving forwards and improving; in his case to not stop and reap the spoils of battle but keep fighting. Anyway - I was always fascinated by the River Boys' tattoos in Home and Away and the way their tattoos are often linked to their brotherhood; and today I found these articles below which are helpful, as I am doing a big line drawing/painting about their tattoos/brotherhood. I love Brax's 'One Crowded Hour' tattoo. And incidently, both me and my friend Nadine have the same tattoo; we chose it together and got them done by a friend at her flat after we'd finished uni together.
Now I feel like wherever I am, there's a reflection of my knee somewhere across London, or the world, and it's Nadine. I like that.

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