Monday 28 December 2015

Idealism in the hands of brutes, and other stories....

December's studio progress... for a piece/pieces about the dangerous side of idealism: - maybe our imaginations, which we hold in esteem in terms of alleviating boredom, materialism and misfortune, are what get us and our societies into such a muddle in the first place, due to misplaced ambition, warped senses of reality, and selfishness.

Here endeth my work in progress section. This piece/s has come on a lot since I took these photos so you'll 'ave to wait and see what I did!

Jane and Nick's wedding present...

Xmas cars making - secular themes only: what is Xmas really about huh? beautiful things and cooperation... nature & nice people and being gentle with everything: lessons include... admire wildlife and handle it gently, don't get caught up in commercial fads and remember that palms trees, not fir trees with presents, were present in the biblelands (not that i am partial to churchgoing or anything, but if you are... don't be fooled that Xmas/Christianity is about anything more than being nice to everyone)

And below are some rockin' denima jackets I made for my two little pals that I spend every Tuesday and Wednesday with down in yonder Sydenham. They'll be the coolest kids in town, they can ride down Sydenham high street and kick up dust with their spurs. Lone Cowgirl sidekick potential?

And this is the adorable mug my two small friends gave me for Xmas, how great is it that my daily work involves hanging out with those guys!

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