Wednesday 8 April 2015

just keep swimming

Some snaps from a recently developed film of mine - just around and about; a creepy dried up tower fountain in Peckham Rye Park, view across Horniman Gardens, Sydenham and Penge, Skiing in Italy... and other ones: captioned as such!
Been a slow week: bank holiday mixed with sunny weather and perpetual rejected job applications hasn't fuelled me with 100% motivation.

Snowdrops in my window.
The pots marking the graves of our pets - Poppy, Wizz and Mango. Long may they rest!

Dom displaying his spectral qualities

Tsonga's doormat

An amazing coppiced hedgerow that my Godfather, Paul, made at our house. I helped him on the second day and he taught me how to do it and about some of the different plants that make up the hedge. Very skilled fellow.

This hut above is way up in the mountains on the French/Italian Alpine border. We went with my aunt Jane, and she was telling us of a man she knows called Bob-in-the-Woods who lives, clearly, in the woods and is a conspiracy theorist. I love the sound of this character and maybe this is his holiday home?

Above is one of my sketches working towards some fabric banners - in keeping with my new resolution towards making work that is entirely portable, shrinkable and foldable. I'm going to use batik methods inspired by the African Peckham fabric shops, with vegetable and spice dyes from foods bought on Rye Lane.
I think banners are such a brilliant communication and thought mechanism; they're the stuff of activism and causes, and they are often text based, which when you're aiming for a conversation or some sort of discourse, if effective. I wanna make things that put a thought out there, and then the response (said or unsaid) is the development of the piece.

in progress - tribal town tower tunic

being totally gangster swag in my new tribal tunic

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