Thursday, 28 February 2013

Everybody gather your wits about you - and pick up your feet and go for a walk. Bring back anything and everything you find, take photos, write notes, plot the route on a map.
Bring it all to LCC on Tuesday 5th March and add it to the Walks Wall that will be in the Street Gallery by the ramp that leads to the Design Block.

Anything goes - from your walk to uni today, or a walk you took years ago - to a walk your parents took before you were even a glimmer of thought in their minds - from photocopies of pages from travel journals and books about journeys, to muddy walking boots nailed to the wall, to the lyrics of folk songs that pay homage to the road.
As long as they are items that could not have been acquired or made had the creator gone for a walk.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Apples :)

Miss Appleby my amazing print tutor from school in her letterpress studio. I took these slides originally for a project i'm starting about pride in women, and I was planning to project slides of the most influential ladies in my life into a fireplace. I don't know if i'm going to do that anymore, but here she is, the one and only Apples.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Isle of Wight for the night.

Made a top... for my project about emotional storage in objects... not finished yet

Friday, 8 February 2013

Dancing ladies...

Been reading about how belly dancing is a women's cultural custom, for women and by women. Originally no men were allowed to see, and it was a custom passed down through generations as part of women's nature of giving: they are the givers of life. 
Apparently the belly button is the centre of all life where all other movements begin; in dancing and in pregnancy. 

"Go back to the baby's conception, to the love embrace, to the excited prelude that brought together a woman and a man....a dance. Made in a dance, born to dance, live and dance" - Fawzia Al-Rawi

 Then I found Isadora Duncan who said she "would fight against marriage and for the emancipation of women."


Then Ruth St Denis who brought Eastern dance to America, combining global cultures: something feminists aim to do in order not to exclude anyone further
She also thought dance could bring about the 'betterment of humankind': she is my new heroine


"Everything was brought into being, into visibility, into form, by rhythm, and therfore that made the dance as a symbol of The Creation." (28seconds pt 2)

"I put it [the below cigarette advert poster of the goddess Isis] up at the foor of my bed, and in an hours time my life for the next 30 years was changed forever" (103seconds pt 3)

"I was commanded by the invisible to move in the mysterious rhythms of wisdom" (209 seconds pt 2)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

heading in the direction of third wave femenism.

Went into Malvern to find out about the holy wells - so boring: so much boring unfocused amateur writing to trawl through & miserable weather. so, time for NEW PROJECT! Feminism has a bad name but misogyny is how do you say anything about women's autonomy anymore without being told you're over-emotional, insecure and self-indulgent (women) or over-emotional, inescure or gay (men) THIS is good though; Mrs Banks - top lady!

Walking project must go on.....

While I’ve been at home this week I have been on some local walks, in order to re-experience the messages I aim to convey through the outcomes of this project.

So far I have mainly tried to promote walking itself as a tool of sensual and social access to the processes and stories of places.


But what if I concentrate on the specific stories of places, the places I walk. This would locate the stories, anchor them, give them site specifity, make them more personable as the social effects of such landscapes are made known.

also these video give me a bit of confidence in my graphic design skills!

St Leonard's Forest installation

The many screens shift your focus, emphasising the amount and variation of senses and scenes to attune to while walking. The projection into the wooded wall showed the natural growth of wood in the life of a tree, and the manmade appropriation of it.

Friday, 1 February 2013

A dream I had that I think means something

I was on an iceberg on my way from someones big house to somewhere else. I was wearing long schoolgirl socks and a nice jumper. The iceberg broke off and I tried to jump on the one that was next to it knowing if I fell in the water I would die, or Snoz would, one of the two. But just as I was about to slip in I didn't, then I was on a concrete raised walkway sort of like the ones on southbank around the Hayward Gallery but I might have been in Charlton, and I was on my way to work, and I met Freya. She was meeting Roger from uni they were going on a date. Then I invited her, Rach and Emily to come to work with me and hang out. So we went to Sydenham and sat in the living room and I put the washing on then got distracted and sat in the living room with the girls, and the sofa was like the sofa at the Sharman's house. The house was generally way more full of trinkets and old fashioned stuff and cluttered, and the kitchen was the same layout as the Vodden's house when they lived in Southwater. Then Emma came home and I said I was sorry my friends came, and she said I was crap at my job and I didn't know how to clean the grime off the shower and she was really unhappy with me.
That's all