Wednesday 15 February 2012

some ideas and visual representations of some religious, esoteric, mythical and classical cosmology...

Modern science

The triple rhythm of creation, duration and destruction (Brahman the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer and Kalaruda the Destroyer) is infinitely repetitive. Hinduism, India.

Another trinity... The Three Graces (Renaissance Christianity) that reconcile opposites.
Much like the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Father Time commands Death. Christianity.

Naturalism (and science?)

The Wheel if Sangsara (Becoming). passion, hatred and unconsciousness keep the wheel moving. The inner wheel is the world of Karmic existence.
The six outer segments depict six destinies of salvation.
The monster embracing the wheel is Anityata (Impermanence) which has the power to devour all existence. Tibet.

Dual basic rhythm of Universe: Yin and Ylang.
The timebound interation of these rhythms gives rise to all phenomena in the universe.

God creating the universe, and on it's completion, time. Sicily.


Spirit Forces: Symbols of the elements

A symbolic diagram of the universal spirit of nature

A magician controlling a demon from within his circle of astrological symbols

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